Thursday, July 14, 2011

DUPLICATE BRIDGE: Weak two and Pre-emptive Opening bids.


When a hand does not have the required opening points (13) to open at the 1 level, opening hand can be opened at the 2 level as follows:

1.  Must have six cards in a suit.
2.  Must have 6 to 9 high card points.
3.  Hands with 6 to 9 points and a seven card suit are opened at the 3 level (preemptive).
4.  2S, 2H and 2D can be opened as weak two's.
5.  3S, 3H, 3D and 3C can be opened as preemptive.

NOTE:    2 clubs opening (2C) is reserved for a strong hand (artificial).

EXAMPLE:           A Q J 7 5 2                 Open 2S.
                               10 9
                               Q 5 2
                               8 5
Hand has the required 9 high card points and six cards to open at the 2 level (weak two).

NOTE:  a) Weak two's and Preemptive opening bids are useful bidding methods to preempt the    
                   opponents from reaching an easy contract.
              b) A weak two must contain a GOOD SIX-CARD SUIT.
              c) A weak 2 opening bid should not contain an ouside major of four or more cards.

HAND ONE:                9 5                                        Open 2H.
                                     A Q 10 7 6 2
                                     J 10 8
                                     J 5
With a good six-card suit and 8 HCP's, open a weak two, 2 hearts.

HAND TWO:                K Q J 6 5 2                          Open 2S.
                                       5 2
                                       J 8 5 3
With 7 points, open this hand 2 Spades.

HAND THREE:             8                                         Open 3D.
                                        J 6
                                        A Q 10 7 6 5 3
                                        10 5 2    
With a 7-card suit, open this hand at the 3 level, premptive.

HAND FOUR:                4                      Open 1H.
                                        Q J 10 9 5
                                        A K 10 9 5 4            
This hand is too strong to open 2 diamonds (weak two).  Also, whenever you have a 6-card suit together with a 5-card major suit, it is always better to open the major suit first.  Open this hand,
1 heart.

HAND FIVE:                  10 4                  Pass.
                                         Q J 9
                                         J 8
                                         Q 10 8 7 4 3
Although this hand has a six-card club suit and 6 high card points, Pass is the only alternative for obvious reasons.  2C opening bid is reserved for strong hands.

Notes:  HCP - high card points.


1.  The 2NT response - Forces opener to describe his hand more accurately.
2.  Rebids by opener after a 2NT response.

                 2H      2NT

EXAMPLE ONE:                         10 8                        Rebid 2H.
                                                      K J 9 8 5 4
                                                      J 6
                                                      Q 8 5
Your 3H discourages game. 

EXAMPLE TWO:                         A K Q 9 8 5           Rebid 3NT.
                                                       10 7 5
                                                       10 6 5
With 10 points, opener rebids 3NT. If partner does not have stoppers in the 3 unbid suits, he bids another suit.

Additional notes:

1.  A weak 2 opening bidder has only one bid.
2.  A 2NT response is forcing, opener must bid again.

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